Sunday, October 30, 2016

Exploratorium Trip

On Friday Room 27 and Room 22 went to the Exploratorium in Henderson. We went as part of our Creativity inquiry study. It was AMAZING! We got to explore how different types of science shape and exist within our daily lives.

We got to do an experiment where we acted like scientists to observe, predict, test and explain what was happening. 

We need to say a huge THANK YOU to all of our parent helpers- we had Mums, Dads, Grandpas and Grandmothers and a Sister. We couldn't have gone without them! 

We are thinking like scientists and following instructions to act like a scientist. John a REAL scientist even showed some of us what to do! 
Some of us had fun pretending we were astronauts and great explorers! 



We got to explore so many different types of environments and learn about different types of SCIENCE! 

        These boys got to explore what happened in a black light room.

We even got to explore different types of forces! 
Nathan got to race the different types of balls down a slope to see which one moved the fastest. The large white ball won! Why? Nathan explained that it won because it was the heaviest. Do you think he is right? Tell us what you think. 

Tuesday, October 25, 2016



Room 27 have spent two weeks learning about electricity. We are investigating how electrical circuits work, where electricity comes from and the different types of electricity that there are.

We used batteries, motors and wires to make Wigglebot robots in class. So Miss Johnson gave us a challenge for our home learning! 

We had to see if we could make a recycled car at home. Experts could even make a propellar to see if it could move. But Room 27 and their families did even more than this! They were so excited about the amazing learning we were doing at home that they went home and created motors to make their cars move!

Check out the amazing work here.

Nathan made his car using a mouse trap and recycled materials from around the house. 

Meghana made her car using a cardboard tube and wheels. 

Desmond made his car with his dad. They used the motor out of a toy car and put inside the wooden car that they made. 

Zeeshaan modified his toy truck. He added a propeller onto the back that was powered with a battery pack.

Creative Thinkers hiding among us...

Did you know that Room 27 have some amazing creative thinkers hiding amongst us? In fact we have A LOT of them!

Miss Johnson was so proud of all of the problem solving and creative thinking that went into our holiday homework. We had to create a game with our families, using some of the things we had a home. We created a plan and brought our games to school. 

Check out our games HERE!

Donabelle made a target game. She used an old shoe box. You have to throw the "balls" into one of the holes and each hole gives you different points. 

Makayla made an I Spy Lava Lamp. She hid a rubber jelly fish inside the lava lamp- You have to shake it to find the jelly fish. 

Peter made a Monster Marble Eater. You have to try and get the marbles into the monster mouth. Be careful of the teeth! 

Ashley made a Ring Toss. You have to throw your rings over each of the bottles to get points. Each bottle is worth different points, so pick carefully which one you want to get. 

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Technological Process

Nathan followed a technological process to create a rubbish trap that stops rubbish from floating down the streams, through pipes and into the ocean. 

He created a plan, with a diagram and labels 

Then he explained how it works! After that Nathan built his model. 
He used a metal tray, put holes in them and added handles. 
He changed his first plan, because he wanted to use metal instead of wood. He knows that wood becomes rotten and metal is stronger. 

Our Innovations

Stop Rubbish floating to the ocean! In Room 27 we are very concerned about all of the rubbish that seems to be floating out to sea, down streams and through pipes. We saw a stream and pipe at the back of our Native Garden and wanted to create something to stop our school rubbish from ending up in the sea.

These are our ideas on how we can help to prevent or solve this problem. 

Jephthah used a plastic plate to create a lid for the pipe. He cut out the middle so that the water could go through. The plastic tabs around the side are to catch the big rubbish and the string in the middle is to catch the small rubbish.

Summer has strung together plastic cups, they have holes in the bottom. The cups catch the rubbish and the water goes through.

Terri used a plate to create a lid for the pipe. He used string to create a spiders web to catch the rubbish. 

Evy created a lip to put over the pipe. The wooden ice block sticks are used to catch the big rubbish and the string is used to catch the small rubbish. 

Donabelle created a net from string, inside her lid. This is strong enough to catch the rubbish. 

Kyra used a plastic plate to hold her net on the pipe. She used string and pipe cleaners to make the net strong. 

Makayla used pipe cleaners to make her net because they are strong and have wire inside. 

Michelle used a plastic plate and pipe cleaners because they are strong. 

Dallas used a pipe cleaner net to catch the rubbish. 

Watch this space...

Room 27 have been working hard on our innovative ideas. We are very concerned about all of the rubbish that seems to be floating out to sea, down streams and through pipes. We saw a stream and pipe at the back of our Native Garden and wanted to create something to stop our school rubbish from ending up in the sea. 

Watch this space... we will finish our designs today and add them to the blog. 

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Innovation of Fairy Tales

Room 27 have learnt that people can innovate or change fairy tales, like Little Red Riding Hood, so that the story is told in a different way. 

These two stories tell very different opinions or points of view

We made wanted posters for the Big Bad Wolf and Little Red Riding Hood. These posters told the different opinions on who the "baddie" was, in the story. We got to use lots of awesome adjectives in our writing.