Sunday, February 21, 2016

Solving Addition Word Problems

The Comets have been solving maths word problems using our drawings and addition strategies. 

Michelle drew a group of 2, a group of 7 and a group of 4 toucans to solve this problem.

Meghana drew a group of 2, a group of 7 and a group of 4 toucans to solve this problem

Ashley drew a group of 2, a group of 7 and a group of 4 toucans to solve this problem

Peter drew a group of 2, a group of 7 and a group of 4 toucans to solve this problem

Donnabelle drew a group of 2, a group of 7 and a group of 4 toucans to solve this problem

Evy drew a group of 2, a group of 7 and a group of 4 toucans to solve this problem

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